
Silver & Gold Double cabochon Border, Silver & Gold Marot Panels. An antependium at the effigy of the « Immaculate Conception » painted by Zurbaran
From the 17th century untill the end of the 18th century, gilt leather antependia were used throughout Europe. With the edict of Nantes signed in 1598 came the end of the religious wars in France.
By that time, many Churches were in a dear state and in great need of care.
The Council of Trent, from 1545 to 1563, gave clear directions of how art had to play a role to elevate and glorify God and the Catholic traditions.
In these times gilt-leather was an appraised wall-covering ornating many palaces and dwellings of Kings and merchants, thus it naturally found its way and place in the re-construction effort of the Churches.

Antependium made by Lutson – Double Damask – Église de l’Invention-de-Saint-Étienne de Germ
At Lutson we make gilt-leather since 1989 for the best designers, for institutions and museums worldwide. Working mainly in the secular world, we have in some occasions worked for the Church in the Lourdes area, where the workshop is located.
Lutson leathers are made of bovine leather or aternatively of a robust cellulose paper. The leathers are embossed, covered in metallic ground Silvered or Gilded. Hand-painted, antiqued to order and finally waxed. All in all a minimum of ten interventions are needed to produce one panel.
In addition, we can propose a Saint-Patron design based on historic masterpieces.
Our workshop is open to the public.

Altar of Vic’s church without antepandium

Altar of Vic’s church with antepandium

Rose & Tulip borders, Silver & Gold Moncla panel. An antependium at the effigy of « St John the Baptist » painted by Velasquez

Antependium in embossed leather originally from the Netherland, first half of the 18th century
Les-Authieux-Sur-Calonne, Calvados church
Still to this day, about a hundred authentic antependia are conserved in churches and chapels in France.

At Vic Fezensac’s church
A four faced Altar, here the side showing two Gilded Abondance panels. The background is painted red.

A « rural reliquarie » made by a local craftman whom used some of our leathers


courtesy ISGM
Korfus on a chair for Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

A set of diningroom chairs upholstered with Verentuil

courtesy Hallwylska Museum
Hallwylska Diningroom chairs leather replicas by Lutson

courtesy MET – NY
Vanderbilt side chair upholstered with Lutson leather at the Metropolitan Museum NY

Moncla panel on curules stool

Moncla panel on curules stool